Our Services


    A designer will come to your house & discuss the project to gain an understanding of the overall scope of works. We can give you on the spot advise on your scope, design concepts, colour and materials, fixtures and fittings etc and you can ask any questions with your concerns around engaging an interior designer. This is a service for those who need general advise about design or who have a few questions they want answered. Following this we will send over any notes, images or itemised lists we have discussed.

    COST = $295


    These sessions are aimed at those that want to self-manage their project but would like to be able to call in some professional advice, encouragement and support as they make their way through the endless decision making process.

    An upfront payment of $1500 secures a 10 hour workshop block which can be broken up as the client requires.

    Hours are used at the clients discretion, either face to face or via Email/Zoom/Phone/Texts/Site visits/Showroom visits.

    Questions/topics can be sent prior to meeting via email for discussion

    We can help with anything from choosing the right layout, lighting, furniture, tiles, stone, tapware, appliances and much more.


    This service is a tailored fee proposal specific to the clients scope and requirements. It includes concepts, floorplan layouts, finishes & fixtures, custom joinery documentation and on site project management. It can be broken down per space, ie one bathroom and/or one kitchen.

    There is no project too big or small so don’t hesitate to give me a call to discuss..

Good design is actually a lot harder to see than poor design, in part because good design fits our needs so well that the design is invisible

Don Norman